
How TO: Glitter Nails

This look is suuuuper easy. But with great easiness comes great messiness. Loose glitter is used for these nails so make sure to cover every surface you'll be using in tissue before starting. Also try not to touch your face mid way or you'll be flicking glitter out of your eyebrows for months (I'm speaking from experience). If you do get glitter anywhere, a bit of sellotape is great for getting it all up. I used Shellac polishes for this look so it'll last me the week but it works just as well with normal polishes. The key part of this look is the topcoat, which keeps all the glitter in place.

Step 1
Apply a base coat and two coats of colour ( I chose white to contrast my gold glitter )

Step 2
Lightly sprinkle the wet polish with your glitter. Don't over load it with glitter at this stage, keep it sparse.
Step 3
Do another layer of glitter, this time concentrating on the upper half of your nail. Again, try not to make it solid glitter at this stage
Step 4
Now it's time to absolutely pack the glitter on to the very tip of your nail (about the size youd paint white on a french manicure) This should leave you with a nice gradient
Step 5
Add two coats of topcoat. This step is VITAL as other wise the glitter will rub off and get everywhere. I used Shellac so that's why it's super shiny.
Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this easy (if messy) loose glitter gradient tutorial! I'll be back next week with another nail tutorial .
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21 year old makeup addict and college times style editor from south county dublin. Aspires to one day own a small dog and a big handbag. "The only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it."- Diana Vreeland