
I'm Moving To Yemen; 5 Completely Believable Excuses For Dumping Him/Her

So you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you're just not feeling it anymore? We'll you could either be honest, and tell them you're just not that into them or you could use one of the fantastic excuses provided:

1. You're leaving the country

Long distance relationships just don't work these days and you don't have a Skype account so you should just leave it there. Lets just hope they're not like Janice from friends and follow you to the airport.

2. Tell Them You're Gay

You've tried your best to hide it but you just wanna be yourself now.

3. You've Decided To Join A Convent / The Priesthood

You're putting your faith first and becoming a nun/priest and staying together would be against God's wishes.

4. Your Dad Owns A Gun

If this doesn't scare him off I don't know what will.

5. You're Actually Secretly Married 

Hopefully they'll be happy for you and even buy you a belated wedding gift.

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