
Love Lockdown: 9 Tiny 'Flaws' Your Girlfriend Should Have

Everyone thinks their girlfriend is perfect, but not everything that is perfect lasts forever. Your girlfriend should have some flaws so she appears human and isn't who you sit jacking off to in the evenings. Here are the nine tiny flaws your girlfriend should have;

She cares about you too much.

She's a daydreamer. She thinks about what you two are going to do tonight, and if it's special then it's going to be as special as it should be. She wants to make you as happy as she can, and keep that frown down.

She takes too long to get ready.

Luckily, not all women suffer from 'taking an hour to get ready syndrome,' but if your girlfriend does, give her time. Unless she's been in there a good hour and doesn't seem to be getting anywhere near dressed, you'll be fine. Watch some TV. She's only trying to look that good for you. Hopefully.

She buys things totally out of the blue to make you happy.

Little gifts are always a treat, and us women are very thoughtful. While it may make you feel a pang of guilt every time she gets you something, it might be good to take a leaf out of her book and treat her occasionally too. She'll really appreciate the surprise gestures. 

She seems to need you and not need you at the same time.

She's head over heels for you and yearns for you big time, but at the same time she's unbelievably independent. You respect her for it and it always keeps you wanting more.

She's always ready to speak her mind.

If your girlfriend's a feisty one, you'll never be too far from her opinion. Half the time, you’re worried she’s going to say something to someone that’s going to get you both into trouble, but the other half, you can’t help but smile and laugh at the things she says. You also have some serious respect for her.

She expects you to love her more than any other woman.

Yes, we know it's embarrassing but we do want to lie down next to you every night and wake up next to you every morning. We want to care for you when you're sick and we want you to care for us when we're sad. We want you to make us feel like we're the only woman for you.

She makes you do things you otherwise wouldn't.

This can be in the form of kale, vegan food or traveling abroad in my past experiences. You never know, opening your mind to new tastes and flavors could be a good thing. You might end up liking some of these things. Or at least finding out that you hate them. 

She's worries too much.

As most women do, we worry about things that don't need to be worried about. It can be something as small as if we whether our hair straighteners on, to worrying about the future and whether you're going to be a part of it. What men must understand is that we do it because we care, not because we're lunatics.

She blames herself too often.

If anything goes wrong in life or in her relationship with you, she always ends up blaming herself, even if it wasn't her fault. Again, this is to do with how much we care, but just make sure your girlfriend isn't hiding her feeling from you.

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.