
PDAs: Have You Gone Too Far?

Public displays of affection can cause onlookers to break into a fit of rage at the sheer sight of people licking one anothers faces. A quick kiss, a cuddle or holding hands is all gravy, but if you're the culprit in this situation, ask yourself if you think you're going too far with the PDA. So the real question here is, have you gone too far?

Do you...

Kiss and walk at the same time?

Do one or the other, if really necessary. Someone is quite likely to trip or you'll just end up walking into innocent people who never wanted to be subjected to your soppy displays in the first place. 

Slow down regular pedestrians by taking up the entire pavement?

It's not just you walking the streets you know, I also have to get somewhere and would prefer not to be hit by a car or your saliva while doing so.

Practically ride each other in the park?

Kissing in the park is fine but there's no need for you to sit on top of each other grinding away. It's just too much and I just want to eat my sandwich in peace, to be honest. 


Get out of the way and have some care for the masses of angry singletons around you, or I will give you a jab in the arm as I go past. You have been warned.

Whisper (loud) sweet nothings to your partner that make others vomit?

We don't want to hear it. Save it for when you're on your own and not assaulting my ears.

Put your hands down her pants?

Completely unnecessary in public. Save it for the bedroom and then run as far away from me as possible please and thank you.

Squeeze her boobs?

You can get away with a quick squeeze every now and then, but try and keep it to a minimum, at least when others are around.

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.