Scientists Discover How LSD Affects The Brain In New Study...

Listen, I'm not meaning to sound like an old hippy whos been merrily dropping acid and tripping balls in her sitting room since 1968, in fact I've never tried LSD. I'd actually err on the side of caution/being utterly terrified at the thought of the fabled 'neverending trip'... family and friends having to nod along with tight smiles and sad eyes as you describe the torrent of armadillo's you see cascading down the wall. Shitting yourself in a corner and looking like the man in the scream painting personified. Woah, that was a bit vivid...

However, I can't deny these recent studies have piqued my curiosity no end. That doesn't mean I plan on procuring some tabs and getting off my nut anytime soon- I don't, but I have been imagining what it must be like as an experience. To have all those walls and boundaries you've build up since childhood just knocked down and to start afresh with a clarity and broadmindedness that hasn't existed since you were knee high.

All I'm saying is that- the findings have been INTERESTING and possibly a little bit INTRIGUING. And the photo of the brain during a trip is pretty spectacular... Anyway I am just sharing this because I think it's current and of interest- NOT encouraging everyone to go and see armadillo's and take a trip to the ol' yellow submarine.

So over the last few years there have been lots of studies on the effects of LSD, more even in recent months. One study revealed that the psychedelic drug was actually great for boosting' psychological wellbeing'.  Another claimed that it encouraged men to behave with more compassion and eh, 'peace'. Given that it has until now been only associated with wildly fucking with the brain, as well as its ability to leave people in a permanent trip – these developments are all a bit rrradical man.

Research findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal this week, suggest LSD may actually make the brain more 'complete',Robin Carhart-Harris, who led the research said in a recent statement-

 “Normally our brain consists of independent networks that perform separate specialised functions, such as vision, movement, and hearing – as well as more complex things like attention, however, under LSD, the separateness of these networks breaks down and instead you see a more integrated or unified brain.”

In the study, scientists scanned the brains of 20 volunteers, all of whom received both LSD and a placebo. They reportedly found a diminished “sense of self” (smaller ego) in participants who were on the drug. They also noted that its hallucinogenic effects led to users “seeing” with various other parts of their brain – not just their visual cortex. This apparently, accounts for all those spiritual or religeous awakenings people often xperience while on the drug.

Photo credit: The Guardian 

“Our results suggest that this effect underlies the profound altered state of consciousness that people often describe during an LSD experience,” adding, “It is also related to what people sometimes call 'ego-dissolution', which means the normal sense of self is broken down and replaced by a sense of reconnection with themselves, others and the natural world."

Finally he said; “This experience is sometimes framed in a religious or spiritual way – and seems to be associated with improvements in well-being after the drug's effects have subsided.”  

Who's to say we're just bringing you the facts as we find them! Pretty interesting all the same though isn't it? Comment below and let us know what you think.

Video: LSD Brain Scan Reveals Stunning Info

Credit: TheLipTV

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