
John Oliver Weighs In On Transphobia And Why It Should End

There has been so much talk about the LGBT community worldwide in the last few weeks, from our humble marriage referendum here in Ireland, the Supreme Court in U.S.A passing same-sex marriage, to Caitlyn Jenner making her debut on Vanity Fair. It's something everyone has an opinion on. And while these successes have been celebrated, and it is a huge step forward for society, not everyone agrees that we've come far enough. On the most recent episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver talks transphobia, and how to avoid it. He points out how while we may celebrate transgender people when they're in the spotlight, we can discriminate against them in our daily lives without ever realising it.

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Self-confessed cat lady, Clodagh is known for her sneezing and laziness. She is most often found on the couch or in bed, usually accompanied by her laptop and pizza. When she isn't doing nothing, she studies English and French in Maynooth. But that's very rare.