
13 Greatest Celebrity Moments On Twitter

Twitter's a great forum for watching celebrities express themselves in an uncharacteristically open manner. This is where the claws come out faster than their publicists can say, "For the love of God please do not put that on the internet!" What this means for us mere mortals is that Twitter is an absolute goldmine for unfiltered celebrity commentary and it has given us such beauts as...

1) Taylor Swift's belated comeback at Kanye West.

 2) Frankie Boyle having a dig at Barack Obama.

3) The blossoming of an epic bromance between Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul and comedian Bo Burnham.


4) James Blunt's routine demolishing of his detractors.

5) Gary Linker and Piers Morgan's constant bickering.

6) Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan's constant bickering (I'm beginning to think that guy might be kind of a dick).

7) Frankie Muniz making a pretty solid point.


8) Aldi gets fresh with underachievers (Editor's note: We've been over this, Aldi is not a celebrity).

9) Katie Hopkins getting taken down a few pegs.

10) Nathan Fillion educating a kid.

11) Chris Brown getting owned by Lindsay Ellis.

12) Patrick Stewart and Rob Delaney trolling David Cameron.


13) And Ed Sheeran brilliantly putting Example in his place.


Seán Kenehan
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Seán has been told by some that he resembles a young Hugh Laurie, but more people have tried to hire him as a Noddy impersonator. Something of a film fan, a pub quiz is one of the few situations in which he is even remotely useful. Seán enjoys the occasional beverage of the alcohol variety, Salt & Vinegar crisps, and referring to himself in the third person.

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