
Christ Alive! You Can Get A Easter Egg Filled With Jägermeister

Christ Alive! You Can Get A Easter Egg Filled With Jägermeister

It started out as an April fools joke in 2016, an Easter egg similar to a cream egg but with a delicious Jagermeister liquor filling. Every chocolate lover/ sesh heads dream combination.

Well, this year the good people at Jägermeister have made that dream a reality and created a Jägermeister Easter egg or Jager Egg. According to the website, the Jager Egg is small in size, it contains premium chocolate on the outside and is filled with a delicious creamy filling with the classic Jägermeister finish, I assume that means booze. Each Gift box contains, 2x Jägermeister Shot Glasses, 2x Jägermeister Easter Egg and a 10cl bottle of Jägermeister. As a child, all we wanted was the Easter egg that comes with a cup, now it's a bottle of booze. Imagine the craic you would have with an egg hunt

Here's the bad news, people were quick off the mark to snap these boozy chocolate treats and they have already sold out. Watch this space to see if the popular Easter eggs will be restocked.


Fear not, you can improvise. Go to your nearest Aldi or Lidl pick up a generic Easter Egg, on your way home grab yourself a bottle of Jager.

Happy Easter, folks.

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Deirdre Kelly

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