
7 Unbelievable Spotify Hacks That Will Change Your Life

7 Unbelievable Spotify Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Spotify is an essential part of any party, your daily commute and your life in general. If you're anything like me, you'll use the app every single day and get that pang of sadness upon realising you forgot your headphones.

What most people don't know is you can do more than just make playlists. There are actually loads of hidden tricks that the majority of us mere mortals have no idea about. We've compiled them into one beautiful concise list so you're next party will be sussed.

1. Crossfade your tracks

There's nothing more annoying than a song coming to a complete stop at a gaff. Well, with this feature it'll never happen again as you can actually crossfade tracks so they'll roll into one another. Press settings and click into Playback, and from here you can let the songs roll.

2. Make a collaborative playlist with your mates


This is a brilliant idea for parties because you can all add a bit of your own fave tunes. Open a playlist and click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and click on 'Make Collaborative'.


3. Turn your laptop into a karaoke machine

You can do this by clicking Lyrics in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. When you click on your favourite song the lyrics will come up and you'll have your very own karaoke party.


4. Hide your guilty pleasures

Not everyone wants to hear you listening to Westlife on repeat, so why don't you amp up your privacy settings. You can have a private session by clicking settings, social and sliding private session.

5. Get back your deleted playlist

If you drunkenly deleted your favourite playlist of guilty pleasures – fear not. You can recover deleted playlists by logging on via the Spotify website and clicking the 'Recovered Playlists' tab.


6. Tweet at Spotify to get your own personalised playlist

This is one of the coolest features we've heard of. You can get your own personalised playlist by tweeting @SpotifyCares. They make playlists with a theme and sometimes have secret messages in the song titles – so bloody cool.

7. Finally...cut to the best part of every song

This is one of the most fantastic features we've found. You can basically cut to the best part of every song without having to press a button. All you need to do is download the Spotify plug-in 'Where's The Drama' which will skip the climax of every song on that playlist.

h/t: Bustle

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Ciara Finnegan

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