
Sun's Out, Gun's Out: This Dublin College Has Lifted Their Ban On Sunbathing

Sun's Out, Gun's Out: This Dublin College Has Lifted Their Ban On Sunbathing

Laying on the grass, soaking up rays on a sunny day is a rite of passage for college students but it nearly looked like it wasn't going to happen at Trinity this summer. Thank the gods above: the Trinity sunbathing ban has been lifted.

Trinity's Estates and Facilities imposed a ban on Fellows' Square but lifted it as it was “impossible to enforce” and “impractical”, reports The University Times.

Director of Estates and Facilities, Paul Mangan, told UT that the sunbathing ban on the square, which is the green area in front of the Arts Block and the Old Library, has been repealed, just in time for summer.

Before now people were told to keep off the grass with the “no walking on the grass” rule strictly enforced by College security.

Keep an eye out in the next few weeks - we bet you'll see people flocking to Fellows' Square from the Pav.


Get your guns out while you can lads, this sun won't be around forever:


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Emma Greenbury
Article written by
Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.

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