
The Definitive Guide To Juice Cleanse Delivery

One member of the College Times office is obsessed with juicing. She's continuously fills our otherwise full to the brim with beer fridge with her jam jars (hipster) of green and often murky colored juice. She does this with no shame as juicing is now hip.. sort of. With this in mind we decided to harness this obsession and get her to actually write something about it. The thing about juicing is that it's expensive (those machines start at €80) and really messy. Also if you get the ingredients wrong and just feck whatever into the juicer it will taste disgusting. We don't have this writer's juicer (Omega Sana) and we can't be arsed buying ALL that fruit and veg, but we want the benefits. The benefits apparently are*

  1. A regulated, nourished colon
  2. Increased energy and stamina
  3. Increased mental clarity
  4. Better sleep patterns
  5. Radiant complexion, healthy hair and nails


And according to Marcus Antebi (owner of New Yorks Hottest Juice Chain, Juice Press) the density of superb nutrition you are absorbing during a full day of juicing, combined with abstinence from highly processed foods, cooked foods (which become slightly toxic and devoid of nutrients), and/or concentrated proteins that become harder to digest, sets you on a path to a variety of internal cleansing processes. 

We at College Times have lived well. We've eaten at Bunsen a lot, we've partaken in more than several rollovers and in short 'wrecked ourselves' We need a cleanse, if only to give us a clean slate for Pyg next Sunday.

Or normal way of imbibing juice is in a ratio of 3:1 combined with Vodka.


But this juice is not of the alcoholic kind. If the barman in Opium isn't going to whip it up for us basically we're lazy and we want someone else to do the washing veg and carrying and juicing and all for us. So we decided to find out which are the best places that can bring this stuff to us. There must be quite a lot of lazy folk like us as juice delivery places are popping up all over the place. We decided to try the lot.

First up Sprout.

Avoca seem to be conquering the world (they are everywhere) and have recently entered the juice world with their in-store company Sprout. The big thing about Sprout is that the juices are really really tasty. CT office liked these a lot. We also really liked the little bottles and loads of them are still knocking around being used as water bottles in the office. Particular favorite - the coco breakfast smoothie. (We actually had squabbles over who got the last one of these) The 3 day cleanse = 15 Juices and Smoothies.

The damage: €70 for 3 days. Can be collected at any Avoca. 

Order Here www.sproutfoodco.com

And follow them on Facebook Here! 


and on twitter  @Sproutfoodco

Next up Dr Juice.

These are the real deal. Their current shop is hip and cool and the owner Kevin knows his stuff. You get the sense that this is not just a flash in the pan business venture, more that cold press juice and all it means is a lifestyle for him. We liked the simplicity to these. The 3 juices on the cleanse are delicious and not over fussy. The girl in the office who actually grew up on a real life farm said the Carrot one tasted very fresh. Her dad grew veg professionally. She knows her stuff. It seems the twittesphere likes these guys a lot as within 20 minutes of announcing a giveaway with them we our competition was trending in Ireland. 

The 3 day cleanse = 15 Juices

The Damage: €60

Like them on Facebook here! 


Follow then @StapleFoods 

Next Up PureGreen.

The great thing about these juices is they are stocked everywhere, Lolly and Cooks, Londis, loads of places and they deliver to your door. They have a really huge selection of juices. The liquid lunch, which we must state is not a traditional (booze fueled) liquid lunch, it's full of Avocado and Spinach and amazingness, is delicious. Their Ginger tonic (Carrot, apple, ginger and lemon) is equally amazing. These juices are cold pressed which is the all important factor. For range of flavors this place gets top marks.

The Damage (includes delivery)

3 days €75


5 days €130.

Like them on Facebook! 

Follow them on @PureGreenJuice

Lastly JuiceDelivery.ie

These juices all came frozen solid which is actually quite cool as it means that they are super fresh. These juices are not cold pressed but because they are frozen the nutrients stay alive. You defrost them the night before. One thing we noticed was a lot of these juices tasted quite naturally sweet. And the overall office verdict would be that these are perfect for the novice juicer.


The Damage (includes delivery all over Ireland) 

3 Day juice detox €85.

Like them on Facebook!

Follow them on @JuiceDelDub

Our Results:

As a result of all this juice the CT team are glowing. We looked 10 times better than Mr. Burns that time he got lost in the woods and had crazy stuff injected into him. We feel infinitely more healthy and most importantly we loved the stuff. It's actually incredibly cool that getting super fresh juice is becoming so normal in Ireland and we think more and more people should be enjoying it.

We're not going to get into weight loss as that shouldn't be your only motivation for doing this kind of thing. Think of giving your body a rest and resetting it in the most easy and delicious way possible. Go forth and Juice!


CollegeTimes Staff
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