
Things We Should Have Been Told About In Sex Education

1. Regardless of how prepared for sex you are

Sex education cannot legislate for catholic guilt. We don't talk about sex openly which leads to embarrassment and shame later in life. To remove these taboos for the next generation, it should really start in school

2. There’s more to sex than what we learn in a science book

Humans are uniquely sexual. We screw each other far more often and in far more elaborate ways than pretty much every other species on the planet.

For humans, sexual activity is more than a mere biological urge, it has psychological significance and social meaning. Physical attraction and appearance are very much what drives mainstream media and peoples ideas of what beauty is and this should be incorporated into teachings. If a kid leaves school thinking sex is all chromosomes and Fallopian tubes they are likely to get a huge land when the emotional and commitment aspect comes at them. And that's before they even come anywhere near one Sigmund Freud.


3. Sex comes in many different forms

We have sex for pleasure. We have sex for recreation, passion and revenge. We have sex with nice people and mean people, friends and enemies, sexy people and ugly people. We have sex because we’re happy and because we’re sad, because we’re bored and because we're mad. We have sex because we feel alone and because we’re in love.

Sex education should account for the recreational, social and emotional reasons for sex and their consequences. It should discuss the interpersonal meaning of intercourse, setting clear expectations and boundaries, communicating desires, dealing with feelings of shame and awkwardness, and of course, being responsible about protection and privacy.



4. Different sexual orientations are natural

People are straight, people are gay, people are both and people are transgendered. It's just the way the world is. It's no reason to shame anyone. My opinion is that people discriminate and react differently to different orientations because they don't understand them, and if Batman has thought me one thing, it's that you always fear what you don't understand.

Informing children of the different orientations earlier in life and treating everyone equally should be now looked upon as naturally as the stereotypical family that has been a pillar of Irish society for so long.

5. Where the god damn clitoris is

6. You don't have to wait until you're married to have sex

Social stigmas should be left outside of the classroom and instead replaced with the fact that sex is an extremely important part of a relationship. Waiting until you're married and figuring out your partner can't stimulate you sexually will ensure for a very awkward few years ahead...obviously there are many major aspects to a relationship but sex is a huge part of the communication between partners and if it is absent in a relationship, there is something fundamentally wrong.

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Colin O'Dwyer
Article written by
Media graduate, music nut, musician and connoisseur of the skinny jean. Would've made a better Batman than Affleck!!
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