
DCU St. Pats Campus Finally Getting A Roof Over Starbucks

Great news for the budding teachers of Ireland, DCU St. Pats Campus is getting a roof over Starbucks. Finally, students will be able to study in the Cregan Library without the distraction of grinding of coffee beans or someone ordering a Tall, non- fat latte with caramel drizzle. The roof will be in place just in time for semester two.

It could be argued that the lack of a roof is good preparation for students considering a career in primary school teaching. Just think of how noisy children are, the grinding of coffee beans is nothing by comparison. Sure exam results will improve, with students finally been able to concentrate on the task at hand but think of the resilience that roof (or lack of a roof) has built with students. Thanks to the noise of St. Pats Starbucks there’s a generation of primary school teachers out there with the ability to drown out white noise. So here’s my solution, yes give the students of St Pats their roof over Starbucks but introduce a small creche in a corner of the library. It will be the best way to prepare students from the real world. To anyone studying subjects other than teaching at St. Pats my apologies for not considering your study needs.

The new roof  isn’t the only big developments for students of St Pats, renovations at the Student Space JAVA are due to completed by March 1st. This new look will include microwaves and hot taps for student use. You know what that means..reheating yesterdays leftovers and unlimited cups of tea!! But surely in modern Ireland, access to a kettle is a basic human right. Once you join the workforce, the demands for access to hot water quickly become demands to access to a Nespresso machine…notions!

Students of St. Pats all you need to watch out for now is students from the main campus dropping down to use your microwaves.

Also Read: Student Calls For Change After Being Forced To Sit Exam Following Death Of Mother

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