
If You Think Trump Is Bad, Wait Til You See His Vice President Mike Pence

Donald "Grab Em By The Pussy" Trump is now the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. This is, obviously, a bad thing. He's sexist, racist, and belligerent, the last qualities anyone should have if they have access to one of the most apocalyptically big nuclear arsenals on the planet.

Trump is joined to the oval office Mike Pence, former Governor of Indiana and right-wing religious fanatic. Pence is set to be an enabler for Trump, he's a career politician who can act as a bridge-builder between Trump and the majority-Republican senate.

Trump dominated the headlines by being a one man media circus so Pence has remained in the background, now that he's the VP it's time to see what we know about him.

1. He endorses gay conversion therapy

Pence is a vocal proponent of gay conversion therapy, a barbaric practice the uses psychologically abusive tactics in an attempt to change a person's sexual orientation.

Pence endorsed this practice in 2000 on his website under a section called "Strengthening the American Family" he said that "Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behaviour."

2. He is zealously pro-life

Pence is fanatically pro-life, and this stance has shaped his political career.

He backed one of the earliest motions to defund Planned Parenthood, he also backed a law that would have mandated that women arrange funeral services for aborted foetuses.

And as governor of Indiana he signed legislation that made Indiana the second state in america to outlaw abortions based on race, gender, or disability.

3. He backed an act that could have allowed open discrimination against LGBTQ people

In 2015 he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This act prohibited the passage of state laws that would "burden" the religious beliefs of individuals ( a term that included churches and businesses).

The wording of the act was vague enough to allow business to discriminate against their customers if they were LGBTQ.

4. He claims that smoking doesn't kill

Again, on his website in 2000 he claimed that smoking doesn't increase your risk of cancer; "Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill."

Extra points for calling decades of scientific evidence 'Hysteria'.
Pence is a more astute and measured politician than Trump, this combined with his extreme right-wing policies makes him more insidiously dangerous. Trump will dominate the headlines for the next four years, but it's important to keep an eye on Pence too.

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