People around the world have been sharing their reactions upon hearing that Donald Trump has become the 45th President of the United States. Celebrities especially, have been sharing their reactions to the news with many of them unhappy with the result.
Ben Haggarty aka Macklemore, shared a harrowing account of what he believes Donald Trump stands for. On his post to his Instagram account, he shared a photo of his daughter asleep. He comments that he will not allow a misogynistic, racist president to dictate the way he raises his daughter stating;
But what I do have control over is where I go from here. I will teach my daughter to love. All people, regardless of the color of their skin, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or where their birth certificate says they're from. I will teach her how important it is to be an advocate for humanity. Not just the portion of humanity that benefits her. I will teach her non violent communication. That in the face of hatred we must love each other even harder.
Check out what other celebrities have said about the election below.
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016
.@HillaryClinton, however this ends tonight I am so proud of you and so honored to be your friend.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) November 9, 2016
The positive element from all this is that we can no longer pretend that we are free of racism & sexism. The question is, what do we do now?
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) November 9, 2016
One thing I do not want to watch right now-- comedy about any of this. That's how terrifying and disappointing this is.
— Judd Apatow 🇺🇦 (@JuddApatow) November 9, 2016
Really, people? ANYONE can be President? ANYONE? ANY-ONE?
— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) November 9, 2016
I wonder if he still thinks the system is rigged.
— Jesse Tyler Ferguson (he/him/his) (@jessetyler) November 9, 2016
I do have an Irish passport
— Mia Farrow🇺🇦 (@MiaFarrow) November 9, 2016
Now it is time to move forward and hope that our country can come together. #serioulsly #positivity #Hilary #respect #kindness
— Ben Stiller (@BenStiller) November 9, 2016
Also Read: What the US presidential election could mean for Irish students and At Least These Tweets Made Us Laugh As The World Reacts To Donald Trump Winning