
Ryanair Wants To End Pre-Holiday Airport Boozin' For Morning Flights

Ryanair have said that they want to ban the sale of alcohol in airports before 10 am to cut down on the level of people who board flights drunk.

This follows an incident where a Ryanair flight was forced to land during its journey to Ibiza. It seems they caused quite a ruckus on the flight, forcing the flight to divert to Paris to land before making it to Ibiza.

Ryanair wish to enforce a two-drink limit at bars, and more restrictive alcohol sales in airports. Seemingly, problems arise when passengers board the plane after having a little too much to drink before-hand, causing safety issues for them and others.

This might see the end to our pre-flight game, but maybe it's for the best. You can always head to the bar when you get there!


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