
It Turns Out That Corona Millionaire Didn't Make 80 People Rich

The story of former chairman of Corona beer, Antonino Fernández, leaving a large portion of his $210 million fortune to the 80 residents of his home village has been revealed to be an utter fabrication.

Nothing is true, everything's a lie, and you -yes, you specifically- are going to die alone.

Dozens of major news sites, and us, were taken in by this inspiring story of an intrepid millionaire remembering his roots. Buzzfeed revealed the hoax today not long after everyone else had lost the head over it, they contacted Lucía Alaejos, communications director for the Fundanción Cerezales Antonino y Cinia, the cultural centre based in the town which was funded by Fernández who said,  “I’m afraid I have to deny this specific fact, the information that has been published is not correct."

So it's back to disappointment and unrelenting misery, par the course for 2016.

Original piece: The Ex-Chairman Of Corona Just Made His Whole Village Rich [Corrected]

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