
This Irish Short Film Has An Incredibly Powerful Message

This Irish Short Film Has An Incredibly Powerful Message

This Irish short film entitled, 'Surfacing', directed by Gar O'Rourke, was shown at this year's Cork Indie Film Festival and has a very powerful message.


The short film starring Eoghan Collins and Malwina Kupidura comments on the fact we've become disconnected in our modern world. It starts off in a Cork pub with friends having pints and chatting, until they become distracted. Everyone our protagonist comes in contact with is staring down at their empty hand, unable to engage in real life.

The film makes excellent social commentary about the way we've become disconnected with the real world. We've become obsessed with the online sphere and the social sphere has taken a back seat.

This year's Cork Indie Film Festival took place from 9th - 16th of October and produced some amazing films, including this short, 'Surfacing'.

Watch the video in full below.



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Ciara Finnegan

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