
Buckfast: Why's It So Popular?

Buckfast; the beverage of choice amongst many students before a night on the town throughout Ireland and the UK. Thick and syrupy wouldn’t often be used to describe a tasty and refreshing beverage, but they are used when describing Buckfast, which tastes like a blend of ribena and cough syrup, so why do students love this unusual drink so much?

It’s the drink of our lord:

Every bottle of this fine tonic is made by Benedictine Monks in Buckfast Abbey. This fine wine is made in God’s own gaff so you know it’s going to be pure. I assume that for this reason it is probably what the priest drinks at communion, so if my hypothesis is correct, Buckfast is essentially the blood of Christ. If you drink enough of this stuff then you will probably experience a deep spiritual connection with some kind of God like presence.

It keeps you Awake:

Are you one of those people who finds themselves sleeping in the corner after a few vodkas? Well may I recommend Buckfast, as it is the ultimate pick me up drink. With its perfect blend of alcohol, caffeine sugar and madness, you will not be sleeping anytime soon. Buckie will keep your mind and body alert but not particularly focused.

Fun Time Juice:


With a bottle of the chaotic tonic in you, you’re probably going to be buzzing. Some seriously odd shapes will be thrown about the dance floor and a serious amount of nonsense will spew from your mouth.It’s one of your 5 a Day:        

Those sweet, sweet grapes are blended through the delicious tonic providing you with vitamins A, B, C and X, and it covers one of those 5 a day your ma always told you about. They also say a glass of wine a day is good for you so I’m sure a bottle of Buckie a day is just as good if not better.

You are Saving the World:

Buckfast makes approximately £40 million profit a year and apparently a load of it is donated to charity. So next time you purchase one of those beautiful emerald bottles, you could be feeding wee Timmy for a week.



It’s not all fun and games with Buckfast though, as it does have its side effects. Waking up at 7am is a common factor, which is fine if you need to be up at that time, however when it hits 12pm you’ll crash big time. If you like to sleep your hangovers off, then stay away from Buckie. You may also experience heart palpitations the next day, now I’m not a doctor but my guess is...that there is no connection between them and the Buckfast.


Here in the south you could be paying €12 - €15 which is scandalous. However for you lucky bastards in the North, a bottle is only £7.50. So next time you’re up in that part you’d be as well stocking up.

Energetic People (Warning):

If you’re already an excessively energetic person then please stay away from Buckfast, It will wrinkle your brain and crumple your body. This is not scientifically proven but I’m pretty sure I seen this happen to someone.


Buckfast is the drink of our lord and the ultimate pre-night out drink. Buckfast is good for all you sleepy bastards out there who need that wee kick before heading out. While it does have a unique taste, you will soon adjust and learn to love it. I don’t even work for Buckfast but I still think everyone should drink it as a part of healthy and balanced drinking routine.

Fergus Friel

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