
Every One Of Your Drunk Friends On A Night Out

If you're going out on the piss tonight or the weekend, you know the different personalities that your friends embody when they're drunk. There's always the usual like the obvious lightweight and the one who gets emotional, but here is the definite list of your drunk friends on a night out.

 19) The one that shouts in your ear

They're not really aware of how loud they're speaking and the gibberish that they're coming out with. They don't seem to be in control of their hands, any minute now they will spill their pint all over you.

18) The creep

They seem to just vanish into thin air without  a trace left behind. They slither round like a snake looking for their prey. They spend most of the night roaming around the club looking for the appropriate guy or girl and giving them intense stares.


17) The one on laughing gas

They think that everything is absolutely hilarious and they're constantly smiling at you. After a while it starts to get really annoying you tell everyone else that you don't know them.

16) Duracell Bunny

They're the one that is constantly getting jelly shots and looks like they're on coke. They don't "dance" per say they kind off just jump around with bundles of enthusiasm. They are also known as the party animal and it's either, go hard or go home.


15) The exhibitionist

They want everyone to look at them and always want to be the centre of attention. They will literally do anything to be the life of the party, they will drink way to much, let someone drink off them and will always be the first to down their pint.

14) Too drunk to get in

They don't even make into the club because they're so drunk and spend the next half and hour arguing with the bouncerIf they could see themselves and how drunk they look, they wouldn't let themselves in.


13) Overstimulated

They tend to have much more than just a couple of pints; nicotine, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol. Things get a bit too much for them and everything is a stimulant to them.

 12) Raging Bull

They're always looking for an excuse to start a fight, they're usually guys that get agro but some girls can get really bitchy when they're locked . Anytime anyone even looks in your direction it's grounds for you to fly off the handle.


11) "This is my song!!"

They scream and shout when they hear "their" song "OMG!! this is my song" they drag everyone up onto the dance floor only to realise that it's no the song they taught it was.

10) Drunk Texter

Drunk people shouldn't be allowed to use phones on a night out, everyone has sent a dodgy text at 3 in the morning, but there are others who take it a step further. Texting everyone  in your contacts telling them that you love them or if your really close random shit that even they don't understand.




9) The sleeper

When they get really drunk  they start to get sleepy and you find them taking a kip in the corner. They sleep for the for the rest of the night and you have free reign to defile their face if you happened to have a sharpy handy.


8) "What do you mean last orders"

They will do anything for just one more pint, when the bar closes, they don't want the night to end. They usually get everyone to got to a gaff party afterward. It always ends up being shit, because it's just some fella smoking a joint watching Suits on his own.

7) Touchy Feely

It's as if they only realise they had senses and so they really enjoying touching things. They can't get enough of touching their own body and when they're talking to someone they always have to pat them on the shoulder or put their arm around them.


6) The cheater

They tell everyone that they're so faithful to their boyfriend or girlfriends. As their friend you have to keep it a secret when you see them eating the face off every guy or girl in the club. Or if you don't care you could ruin their relationship by taking a picture.

 5) The Hot Mess

Their make -up is always running and they end up walking around with no shoes on because one of their heels broke. They were mixing drinks and now they're paying for it by getting sick on the street while they're waiting for a taxi.


4) The Emotional Trainwreck

In combination with the hot mess this can be a real disaster. When they drin,  everything just comes rushing out of them they can't handle all the emotion. Be careful with what you say to them because literally anything could set off the waterworks.

3) The Acrobat

They're naturally flexible and will get up on top of tables or counters to show off their moves. God forbid there happens to be a dance cage or a strippers pool in the club. There are two types, though the ones that can actually do it and the ones that fails miserably while trying.

2) The philsopher

They are always the thoughtful one who likes to have drawn out conversation with strangers in the smoking area. They're contemplating existence, but at the same they're absolutely hammered so no one knows what they're saying.

 1) And then there's ......... you

Kenneth Fox
Article written by
I'm a musician and a writer, or a writer and a musician, I can't make up my mind, Either way I'm not particularly good at either. A bit of an old fashioned guy, who enjoys the simpler things in life, nothing fancy.

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