Life 101

7 Instagram Hacks That Will Make Your Life Marginally Better

7 Instagram Hacks That Will Make Your Life Marginally Better

Hands down, Instagram is most definitely our favourite app. It's an amazing platform to show off your personality and of course, your photo taking skills.

However, for those of you who aren't familiar with the app, Instagram has some really cool secret features that can make the app much more enjoyable. With things like recording video hands-free to hiding annoying hashtags, we're here to life-hack your Instagram experience.

1. Save posts so you can only see them

  1. Go to a post you want to save
  2. Tap Bookmark under the post on the right-hand side of the screen
  3. To see the saved posts, go to your profile and tap the matching bookmark icon (next to the Photos of You icon) and click on the saved tab

2. Record your 'My Story' video hands-free

  1. Click on your Instagram Stories camera
  2. Swipe through the options at the bottom of the screen—Normal, Boomerang, Hands-Free—to get to the hands-free
  3. Tap the record button at the bottom of the screen to begin
  4. To stop recording, either tap the circle again or let the maximum video recording time run out.

3. Hide your hashtags


You can do this 2 ways.

  1. Put your hashtag in your comments by adding 2 separate comments.
  2. Once you’ve got 2 comments, your hashtags will be safely hidden in the comments section

Or else you can hide them under line-breaks.

  1. Select Return 3 times and you hashtags won't be viewable unless followers click on the more option on your post.

4. Add as much text as you want to posts in Stories

  1. Click on your Instagram Stories camera
  2. Take an image or record a video
  3. Tap the screen to add text
  4. Write what you want
  5. Tap Done
  6. Repeat as many times as needed to add as much text you want on your Story

5. Choose from a rainbow of pen or text colours

  1. Click on your Instagram Stories camera
  2. Snap an image or record a video
  3. Tap the pen icon.
  4. This will open up either the brush or text tool, and there will be other default colour options at the bottom of the screen
  5. Press and hold any colour to open up the colour slider
  6. Select a shade from any point on the spectrum
  7. Draw and write as usual

6. Use as many stickers as you want

  1. Click on the Instagram Stories camera
  2. Snap an image or record a video
  3. Tap the smiley face in the upper right-hand corner
  4. Choose what sticker you want to use
  5. Tap the sticker to go through multiple options
  6. Resize and place your sticker wherever you want
  7. Repeat as many times with as many stickers you want

7. Share Live Photos as Boomerangs

  1. Take a Live Photo
  2. Click on to the Instagram Stories camera
  3. Swipe up to access your camera roll
  4. Click on your Live Photo
  5. Press firmly on the screen to activate the 3D Touch feature
  6. A loading wheel and the word Boomerang will appear and your Live Photo will begin looping as a Boomerang


Also Read: 10 Hacks Anyone With A Tiny Bedroom Must Know

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Ciara Finnegan

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