
Microwave Banned During "Business Hours" By An Irish University

Microwave Banned During "Business Hours" By An Irish University

A microwave, which is on the Brookfield Campus in UCC, is causing a stir over on Reddit. The Student Union provided students with the service but the college has limited its use to before or after business hours of the catering area in which it's placed:

When the university has a food contractor using the microwave becomes a fire hazard. from ireland

The sign reads that the catering area is being impacted by the use of the microwave and is causing "health and safety" issues:

Regrettably the use of the Microwave during Business Hours (9 am - 5 pm) has created an environmental health and safety issue for the contracted food provider KSG.

The sign encourages users to use the microwave in the new Staff Common Room. A past student of the college revealed on Reddit that the microwave was a "godsend" and an essential for student facilities on that campus. UCC students on Brookfield spend a large amount of time in labs and need the quick fix option of using that microwave.


Reddit users have been revealing that campuses across the country have had their microwaves removed or are only allowed to be used outside of business hours.

Students are disappointed that services are limited and believe universities are encouraging cash-strapped students to spend money on campus. We have contacted the UCC SU for comment and will update you when they reply. This debate is heating up!

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