
Student Vigil For Savita Halappanavar To Be Held At Trinity College Dublin Tonight

Student Vigil For Savita Halappanavar To Be Held At Trinity College Dublin Tonight

It's the five year anniversary since the death of Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old dentist. Savita died after being refused an abortion during her septic miscarriage. As a result of her death marchs and protests took place nationally and internationally and, eventually, The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act was passed.

Tonight a student vigil will take place in Trinity College Dublin with students remembering Savita died because the choice of terminating her pregnancy was not afforded to her and her basic health care needs were not met which ultimately ended her life.

Although the Protection of Life During Pregnant Act was passed it's nowhere near good enough and only allows women access to abortion in proven cases of suicide or if the women's health is at risk from the pregnancy.

Speakers at tonight's vigil include Labour Senator Ivana Bacik, Annie Hoey from the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth,  Anna Cosgrave, TCDSU President Kevin Keane and Marion Dyer from Doctors For Choice. The Pro-Choice campaign will continue to fight for women's access to basic healthcare and to repeal the Eighth Amendment which does not allow women to access abortion at home but forces them to go abroad and ultimately put women at risk.

The Repeal Project shared a haunting tribute to Savita on Instagram:


The vigil will take place at 6 pm at the Front Square at Trinity College Dublin.

Also Read: Senator Lynn Ruane Receives Threatening Messages Over Her Pro-Choice Stance

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