
TCD "Freshmen" Students To Now Just Be Called "Fresh" In Gender Equality Move

TCD "Freshmen" Students To Now Just Be Called "Fresh" In Gender Equality Move

It was announced By Trinity College Dublin, in an email sent around to staff and students, that first and second year students, traditionally referred to as 'Freshmen' will soon be known simply as 'Fresh', in a move to help remove gender distinction.

Vice-President of the college Chris Morash, sent the email around detailing the change, which will be implemented over the coming three years. He said "[this] small but important change will ensure that all Trinity students are equally included by the language used to describe them".

The move is part of a larger college initiative to tackle issues are gender equality and inclusivity, as well as in terms of gender balances in staffing structures.

While no one ever really described themselves as a 'Freshman' in earnest, this change will undoubtedly spawn generations of people ironically referring to each other as 'Fresh' and for that, even without its small but important gesture toward gender equality, it is a fantastic move.


H/T: University Times

Also Read: UCD Students Begin Boycott Of Campus Cafeteria For Very Good Reason

Rory McNab

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