
Smiles, Eyes & Butts: Physical Features Girls Will First Notice About A Guy

We're all a little bit superficial, even if we'd like to think otherwise. We are attracted to attractive people, hence the word. Us women are not always out looking for a husband, or a man to take care of us and have a loving relationship with. Sometimes we just want a good-looking guy to lie next to for the night, and maybe that could turn into a few nights...so I'm not talking about dating here. It's not about what the guy believes in and what he's into, sometimes it's all about the physical features. Say a girl is on a night out with her friends and on the prowl for some fresh man meat. Want to know the first things she'll notice about you?

1) Your Smile

In a dark bar or club your teeth could light up like a Christmas tree. Smiling is a hell of a lot more inviting than scowling at a girl. If you notice someone checking you out, who you think is also worth checking out, encourage her with a smile. Maybe even a sneaky smirk. Can't hurt.

2) Your Eyes

The windows to the soul....you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes, so I'm told. Really it can be a test of confidence. If you can hold a gaze or not. You want to be able to hold eye contact if you're having a conversation but not to freak them out with too much. If you lock eyes with some sweet young thing at the bar and both of you are smiling, clearly interested, then you're in there.

3) Hairstyle & Facial Hair

Obviously it depends on the girl, but there's something to be said about rocking a bit of tailored stubble. It accentuates your jawline and definitely gives you a touch more masculinity than your baby-faced comrades. When it comes to hairstyles, I'd recommend not dousing your head in hair gel, it's not the nineties. Some girls like running their fingers through a guys hair, getting your fingers stuck in a guys hairstyle isn't the best way to end the night. However, if she's into it, she's into it. If you notice her surveying your face and smiling like she likes what she sees, then this looks good for you.

4) Your Outfit

Unless of course you've been wearing a distinctive, perhaps even fluorescent outfit, what you're wearing comes next on the list of things she'll notice. Are you wearing clothes that suit/fit you? Are you wearing a clown outfit or a onesie? She'll judge you based on what you wear. Wear your heart, as in who you really are, on your sleeve. If she likes what she sees she'll maybe make the first move.

5) Your Physique

Are you packing pounds or muscle? Your outfit will, of course, help accentuate your best features, much like how a girl with great breasts could wear a v-neck dress to show them off in their best light. If you're wearing a shirt that helps show off your sculpted arms then that can only help your cause.

6) Your Butt

Should this be in the previous point? No. Butt's deserve their own category. This year has been great for girls embracing their own beautiful derrieres, but a side effect of that was more emphasis being put on guy's booties, which I could not be happier about. Thankfully, guys butts are finally getting the recognition they deserve. There's nothing better than those two balls of tough fat. They look great in jeans and boxer briefs and especially great naked walking around maybe after a feisty round of naked tango time. Butts are great. She'll definitely check yours out and if you have an exceptional derriere then she'll probably like to see it in the flesh. Make sure you present yours nicely. She'll be watching...

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Rebecca Fox
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Becky Fox is a fun loving foxy lady who will never apologise for who she is. All about girl power and Lara Croft cosplay. A freak in the sheets and a bitch on the streets. Don't cross her, she has enough wit in her pinky to reduce you to tears. Fan of beanies and sunglasses and doing whatever, or whoever, the fuck she wants.
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