
The Very Best Weather Crisis Memes From The Ireland Simpsons Fan Page

The Very Best Weather Crisis Memes From The Ireland Simpsons Fan Page

Yet again the Ireland Simpsons Fan page has perfectly captured the mood of the nation. We've said it before but we are more than happy to reiterate, the page is this generation's Scrap Saturday. Nothing is beyond ridicule or satirisation. Storm Emma and the Beast from the East were bound to fall victim.

As if the weather didn't already provide meme makers with enough ammunition, breadgate has sent things into overdrive. Here are some of the shitposts of the last few days.


Maeve Murrihy‎ starts us off with a doozey.

Sorcha Nic Ghiolla Íosa believes the bread companies are actually behind the whole blizzard.



Robbie Kirwan thinks Met Éireann are in on the whole thing too.

Frank Carty has his bread though and is as happy as a pig in shite.

For Brian Lowe‎ however, he was not so lucky. ''For those of us who unfortunately couldn't bring home a pan or ran out.''


Eamonn Beardsley ''I thought we were having steamed clams...''

You'd thought you'd seen the last of Frosbit Boy. Kevin Byrne‎ has other ideas.

Barry Quinn breaks the fourth wall on the whole bread thing.

But Neil Costello has calmed everything down by alerting us to the man we've all hoped to see.


Mark Farrelly

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