
Dating Rules That Are Complete Shite

Everyone is so ready to jump on advice, but most of it is complete shite.

Don’t call until three days after you get their number.

Leaving it the three days is about as surprising as Jonny Depp playing some ridiculous moody character in a Tim Burton movie, be spontaneous...leave it a week, leave it an hour...fuck, do what you want...if they like you a stupid 72 hour rule isn't going to change anything...stop being so shallow and following rules you sheep....baaahh.

The man must always pay

In the words of cosmopolitan magazine:

" When the bill comes, wait for him to make a move for it. When he does, reach for your purse/wallet and continue the payment process until he says "I've got it" (and then say "thanks" and drop it). If he doesn't say it, you'll have to split it. But don't say, "Can we split this?" or "I'd really like to split this" because he may think you actually mean it."


Hold on a second you crafty bitch and I'll just get my wallet out of my inside coat pocket...*produces middle finger instead

Why is it that even though society has men and women as equal the virtues and typicality that go with it for dating hasn't moved on from prehistoric times! Why not have a female pay for dinner for me? A big slap up rare steak too while we're at it because I'm a red blooded carnivorous male and I won't be ordering the salad (see below)...and I might even have an extra beer (or vodka and red bull) while you're paying ;)

Only date people with good jobs

If you're a slacker and are just looking for someone good to have on your arm then I have to ask, how shallow can you be? How about making sure you have a good education and are in a position to look after yourself from your own job...then the rest should look after itself.

Eat lightly on a first date

Make a pig of yourself, order the steak...hell, order the surf n' turf. What's the point in being careful and eating a grain of rice at a time if your just going to turn around six months into a potential relationship with this person and get crumbs in the bed while eating toast with your hands down your much of a let down is that going to be!

Have a cut off point with alcohol

People loosen up with a few drinks in them, you might even leave slip a few quirky details about yourself that you hadn't intended to that really resonate with your date. Having a cut off point of two or three drinks so you can deliver with precision the "here's one I made earlier" answers you have constructed leaves no room for spontaneity and makes the whole process boring and like you're applying for a new job.

Its a conversation not an interview

Did you not read the last point...IT IS AN will go through the motions of every interview you've ever been through...nerves, sweaty palms, resorting to pre planned answers when you get confused, telling them you're a team player and giving examples of times when you were able to motivate those around you.


Wait to have sex

Again, so what if you have sex on the first night....we're all self respecting adults (I hope) and if we mutually choose to have sex on the first date then so be it...society isn't going to tell me otherwise and you don't have to feel ashamed either. You might want to wait so that you can get to know each other a bit better and build it up a bit, resulting in better sex, but it's totally up to you.



Try to impress for a second date

Why bother look for a second date if you're sitting in front of someone who is just about as much craic as your grandmother knitting that new jumper for Daniel O'Donnell that you know she'll never give to him because she's too embarrassed.

Basically every pre conceived notion that society has for first dates leads us all to become this person who is nowhere near who we actually are. Be yourself - if they like you for you then maybe you'll see them again, if not then who gives a sh!t really. It was never going to work.

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Ian Smith
Article written by
Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.

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