
Video: The Morning Queue For Galway's Alternative 'Christmas Day' Is Insane

Video: The Morning Queue For Galway's Alternative 'Christmas Day' Is Insane

NUI Galway's Christmas Day had be renowned as one of the biggest events on the college calendar but this year things turned sour in the build-up, due to health and safety fears after what transpired in 2016.

After negotiations with the university, the Students' Union reached an arrangement where Christmas Day would be changed to a ticketed event in their SULT bar, and take place for just five hours today, between 1 and 6pm. This of course left a lot of students very disappointed, not just because of the limited amount of tickets available - the 550 available sold out very quickly - but also because of the watered down timeline compared to previous years.

Ever the resourceful bunch, the situation has led to students concoting an alternative plan, where hoards have been queueing to get into 'The Hole in the Wall' pub in town since mid-morning. It's safe to say Christmas has not been cancelled.


While the craic will be had no doubt anyhow it is a bit of a shame that money spent at the official event in the past, which went to charity, will now be drank away elsewhere. Judging by the Facebook comments on the Connacht Tribune and The Galway Advertiser, the locals aren't to excited about what might happen on the streets today either.

Mark Farrelly

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