Life 101

How To Make The Best Scrambled Eggs And Have The Best Breakfast Ever

How To Make The Best Scrambled Eggs And Have The Best Breakfast Ever

Making the perfect scrambled eggs isn't as easy as you think. Let's put away that microwaveable bowl and go back to basics with this recipe. Here's how to make scrambled eggs perfectly:

What you'll need:

  • 4 eggs
  • Sea Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Butter
  • Bowl
  • No stick pan/pot
  • Whisk


  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Sourdough
  • Basil
  • Chillies



  1. Crack 4 eggs into a bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Add two extra eggs to the mixture for every person eating the scrambled egg. If there's two of you have 6 eggs and 3 of you have 8 etc.
  2. Whisk the eggs until the have a clear yellow consistency.
  3. Pop the pan on the hob, add butter to the pan and let it slowly melt until it's fully melted but not burnt.
  4. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and begin to stir the eggs whilst they cook.
  5. Your eggs will be ready when they still look wet and soft. Take the pan off the hob as the eggs will still cook and you don't want chewy overcooked scrambled eggs.
  6. For extra fullness take a slice of sourdough bread and toast it. You can add avocado as a spread for your toast and add the scrambled eggs on top. If you're looking for that something extra add smoked salmon or bacon to the side of your dish or sprinkle basil or chopped chives on top of the scrambled eggs.


Also Read: Here's How To Make The Perfect French Toast And Die Happy


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Garret Farrell

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