
Brennans Bread Van Bound For Dublin Diverted To Mayo

Brennans Bread Van Bound For Dublin Diverted To Mayo

If you are living in Dublin you might have noticed, the beautiful winter wonderland scenes you're seeing on social media don't quite match up to the sleet and wintery rain outside your window.


In a role reversal from last years "Beast from the EastMayo is one of the places with the majority of snowfall this year. So for some envy-inducing pictures for you snow lovers out there here are some scenes from Westport in Mayo to show you what you're missing out on:


Down the road in Castlebar, Winter Wonderland is a stretch of a description but A1 for effort lads.



So you may remember last years "Breadmageddon" when the "Beast from the East" hit. To refresh your memory, due to the weather conditions the supply of bread was limited in Dublin which led to what can only be described as a national media frenzy. So while Dublin was in meltdown, snowed in, off work and breadless, the good people of Mayo were innocent bystanders to the collateral damage of "Breadmageddon". Brennans Bread vans destined for Mayo were redirected to Dublin to resolve the panic.

Well as you can expect from karma, what goes around comes around and I have it on good authority that the people of Mayo want their bread back. So you heard it here first, the Brennans bread vans bound for Dublin might not have been diverted to Mayo yet, but they should be.

The latest weather update Met Éireann have extended the weather warning as temperatures set to drop to - 7C overnight. Last night the coldest temperature recorded was -5.8C recorded at Dublin Airport this morning. Met Éireann is warning of frost and icy conditions with coldest across Ulster and West Connacht

Also Read: Dozens Of Schools Will Open Late Tomorrow Due To The Snow

Deirdre Kelly

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