
This Trad Band Rocked The Beejaysus Out Of A Ryanair Flight To Dublin

This Trad Band Rocked The Beejaysus Out Of A Ryanair Flight To Dublin

You've got to love the Irish.

There aren't many people who enjoy flights. From the expensive food to the tight spaces they can seem anything but enjoyable – unless a trad session is started on board.

On a Ryanair flight from Copenhagen to Dublin, a trad group decided to have an off the cuff session to apparently cheer up the air hostess. The group were just coming back from their friend's birthday party in which they were all playing at.

The group erupted into song and upon hearing the air hostess's announcement, very consciously stopped. However, once the air hostess had finished one of the players counted in, 'One, two, three, four' and burst into life again.

Check out the brilliant video below.


h/t: DailyEdge


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Ciara Finnegan

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