
School Calculated Grades Now Available To Leaving Cert Students

School Calculated Grades Now Available To Leaving Cert Students

School calculated grades that were issued before the process of moderation will be available to Leaving Cert students from today.

Students are eligible to avail of an appeals process through the Department of Education's online portal. However, students can't appeal the mark issued to them, rather, it is "a process review focused on looking for errors in the transmission and processing of student data through the process."

Students are unable to appeal their calculated grades mark from their teachers as, according to the Department of Education, "the professional judgement of the school is outside of the appeals process."

The purpose of the appeals process is to ascertain if any mistakes were made in the logging of student grades or information. The appeals process is therefore not an appeal against the grades issued by the school or the standardisation process as a whole.

The caveat to the appeals process is that a student may find themselves with the same points total, but may also find themselves with a higher or lower points total.

There will be two stages of the appeals process, one at school level and the other at the level of the Department of Education. If students are unhappy following those two stages, they can seek to invoke a third stage, where they will have their appeal scrutinised by independent Appeals Scrutineers.

The Independent Appeals Scrutineers will check to ensure the correct procedures were followed throughout the appeals process.


Students who are unhappy with their results can also decide to sit the postponed Leaving Cert written examinations in any number of subjects. These exams are set to begin on November 16, although they are subject to public health advice allowing them to proceed.

Students will have until 5pm on 16 September to submit an appeal. No late applications will be accepted.

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Sean Meehan

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