
10 Cliques That Were In Your School

Being a teenager was difficult. All that angst, awkward social interaction and greasy hair made you constantly uncomfortable. If one thing was for sure though was what group you belonged to. No matter what school you went to you're bound to have these ten groups of teenagers in your year.

1. The D4's

Whether or not they were from Dublin.4, it didn't change the fact they rocked Dubes, had Roxy schoolbags and wore those coral necklaces. Activities from this gang would usually include going on shopping trips to New York and supporting the local rugby team.

2. The Knackers

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT?". Everyone who was not in this group, tend to stay the fuck away from them. The Knackers were always a scary bunch, bullying and straightening/gelling their hair to bits was a general past time for these lovely class members. It seems that no matter what you did, you somehow managed to slag there cousin.


3. The Messers

Ah these classmates were always good craic. The Messers tended to be good-hearted people who wanted to bright a little laughter into the school day. Whether that was drawing a cock on the blackboard or slagging the teacher, the Messers were no doubt the best craic in the year.

4. The Sporty People

The Sporty people tend to be almost always out of class. This tend to make everyone jealous that they got to miss the horrible Maths test and occasional homework. It felt like they were excused from academic work because they could kick a football or something.


5. The Emo Kids

This group mostly kept to themselves. They did not indulge in socialising often, especially not in school. You often find them hanging out with other angsty type teenagers at the weekend in town squares, appearing in nothing but black and would often inscribe suicidal lyrics into tables during class.

6. The Nerds

These were the folk who stayed in and did their homework while the rest of us were off drinking on the local field. Generally terrified of interaction with others who were not nerds for the fear they would be asked for the answer of last nights Maths questions. Realistically they're probably rolling around in money somewhere right now.


7. The Bebo Stunnas

They had 100,000+ pages views on Facebook, and were constantly getting in trouble for having too many piercings/blue hair/wearing a hello kitty onesie instead of their uniform. These people have no doubtfully evolved into Hipsters and are now roaming the streets in over-sized denim jackets and vintage rubbish bags.

8. The Rockers

It was band t-shirt and combat trousers all round in this group. When this group was busy not taking a shower they would spend they're time listening or pretending to like Metallica, and praised Tenacious D. Generally a friendly group of teens, looking more threatening than they actually were.


9. The Genuinely Uncool Kids

The poor adolescents were either just too smelly or too weird for anyone to desire to interact with them. You kind of felt bad for this kid, but would immediately be reminded why their so uncool whenever you spoke to them and would spend the next few weeks trying to get rid of them. This is how people like Hitler happen.

10. The Popular People

Don't lie, we all wanted to hang out with the popular people. They had the best parties and knew all the good sessions. They all resembled the cast members of the O.C and didn't have a spot or a blemish in sight.

Catherine Munnelly
Article written by
Catherine Munnelly is a colourfully-haired UCD graduate with a degree in reading books. A pint-sized bundle of wisdom, she has mastered the game of Flip-Cup, enjoys the company of bearded-men and despises rude people. When she's not writing or talking about her dog, you'll find her wandering around Europe telling folk that Leprechauns exist and Bono's her uncle.

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