
5 Things You Should Never Tell Your Girlfriend

1. Your ex-girlfriends

Your current girlfriend shouldn't know about your ex-girlfriends and the good memories you have of them. Talking about your ex with your current girlfriend can lead to resentment, comparisons and full blown craziness.


2. The Fact That Your Friends Are Assholes

It's a bad idea to share all the secrets about your friends, especially your best friends, chances are she's going to hear about them anyway but best be safe.  Telling her all of your friends dirty secrets will just cause her to not like them, not trust them, and will make hanging out with them an impossible task, she's hardly going to want you hanging out with your mate whose always cheating on his girlfriend.


3. Your Number...

It's one thing to brag to friends, but this isn't something to tell your current girlfriend about, and Even if your girlfriend asks you to tell her, just don't. She's not going to like any answer you give her. If you tell her "1," she's going to wonder why it's not more and think you are lying to her. If you tell her"50", she's going to think you're a jigalo. To keep the peace in your current relationship, it's best if you keep these stories in the past and also encourage her to keep some of her stories there as well.


4. The Fact That You Cheated On Your Ex

You may have made mistakes in the past  but that doesn't mean your GF has to know.. Remember you're on the stright and narrow now, no cheating. Don't let her know about past indiscretions, she'll think you're untrustworthy and won't let you have space, which is something you need.



 5. What You Spend Your Money On

When your dating, your finances are separate. So until you take that walk down the aisle, she doesn’t need to know where your extra cash goes each month or how much you spend on activities like hanging out with friends, new gadgets or prostitutes.


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