
9 Things You Deserve When Have Your Period

Periods fucking suck. You politely asked Mother Nature to wait until AFTER your date this Friday, but she declined and there's a red spot on one of your favourite thongs. You're thinking FML, but you can make things a little easier on yourself. Tell yourself that it's your time of the month and you deserve a little slack. You deserve to do the following 9 things because, well, periods fucking suck.

1. Skip The Gym

It's a struggle to get to the gym in the morning on a normal day, no sense in pushing your groggy ass to the gym on a day when the blood is in full flow. Hit snooze, or better yet, set your alarm with the mind-set that the gym is NOT happening, and just go to work when you get up. No sense in getting a hot bod while you're all bloated anyway.

 2. Take A Little Extra Time In The Bathroom

So you might be tempted to rush so no one has to wait to use your stall or so nobody thinks you're shitting in public. Ignore them. They don't have to remove a cherry-colored (but not flavored!) tampon, throw that out, unwrap a new one and insert it on top of the usual business.


3. Complain To Your Boyfriend

Normally you try not to be annoying and bitch about the little stuff, he has a job and hates the rain, too, but today it's okay. Complain about your period and your cramps. Complain about how the bus was too crowded. Complain about how your shampoo should just refill itself and, as a matter of fact, so should your fridge. If he doesn't let you be a brat while you're on your period, is he really that great?

4. Buy Yourself A Nice Lunch For Work

You've been brown-bagging salads because you're trying to lose a few pounds in your stomach and gain a few pounds in your wallet. But not today. Go to that sandwich shop or pizza place that always smells sooooo good.




5. Cry

Definitely cry. It's gonna happen. Something extremely small is gonna happen and you're gonna tear up and think you're acting like an idiot. But just do it - cry. Just remember, it's not you losing your mind, it's your period that's bat-shit crazy.

6. Have Some Chocolate

I don't know about you, but my period loves chocolate. Suddenly I'd be willing to dip just about anything in chocolate and swallow it whole. Buy yourself some chocolate or, pro tip, keep some chocolate around specifically for that time of the month. You can go cheap if you want cause chocolate is always tasty, but if you're up for it, splurge on the good stuff.


7. Wash That Chocolate Down With Wine

Chocolate does make you thirsty! Instead of grabbing for some boring old water, go for the Pinot Grigio.

8. Marathon That Netflix Show

You've been putting off that show on Netflix because you had work to get done and you've been trying to watch less TV. Well, the work and the productivity can wait. Pick out that show you've been eyeing or a classic tear-inducing rom-com (as if you'll need help crying) and just totally relax.

9. Go To Bed Early

Sleep is a cure-all. For beauty rest, for periods, whatever. Close your eyes and forget the cramps and the stress and just hope that it's lighter tomorrow.


Video: 9 Period Hacks


Credit: BuzzFeedBlue

Casey Schmauder
Article written by
Casey Schmauder is a third year student at the University of Pittsburgh studying nonfiction writing and psychology, currently enjoying a study abroad in Ireland writing for CollegeTimes and TeenTimes.

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