
Is The Pill Making Your Girlfriend Crazy?

The pill. Those four little letters immediately bring a hundred different thoughts and pre-conceived ideas to mind. Get it right and you'll have bigger boobs, flawless skin, controlled periods and no babies. Get it wrong and you'll gain weight, cry all the time, bleed randomly and hate your boyfriend. We're all hormonal specimens at the end of the day but if your girlfriend is ten times crazier than even she normally is once embarking upon the pill trail, then you may need to ask yourself, is the pill making your girlfriend crazy?

1) Has She Gained Weight?

One of the main reasons that some women don't go on the pillĀ is that certain types can make certain women gain weight. I've known people to put on up to four stone, but then 90% of girls I know on it aren't affected at all. It's a matter of trial and error and trying to find the one that suits you best, but for some women, it's a risk they're just not willing to take. The most common places to gain 'pill' weight are around the face, stomach, thighs, bum and hips. Basically, anywhere that was hit during puberty.

2) Have Her Boobs Gotten Bigger?

For some, this is a massive, welcomed advantage. For others, (myself included) who never had more than a handful, the sudden growth spurt is just a bit too much. Think along the lines of transitioning from a golf ball into a football. Can we have our old boobs back please? Oh and to really rub salt into the wound, they can be tender and really sore too.

3) Has She Broken Out/ Become Greasier?

Lots of girls go on the pill to help with bad skin or acne problems. It can totally change your skin for better or sometimes worse. If she's gone from having dry skin to being a bag of grease, then the pill is most likely at fault. Just don't suggest that she tries a new face wash for the love of God. *Angry girlfriend*

4) Does She Cry Roughly Eight Times A Day?

What men fail to understand about the pill is that it isn't just some magical baby stopping, joy bringing Smartie. It can turn you from a perfectly happy, positive person into a blubbing, upset, constantly sad and broken fragment of your former self. Think us right before our period, but ALL THE TIME.

5) Does She Seem Negative, A Tad DepressedĀ And Snap At You For No Reason?

For some, tears are the first symptom that they aren't best suited to the pill. For others, hating everyone, losing their temper constantly and being filled with an unstoppable sense of burning rage, is the shining light that guides them away from it. I was that person and was so crazy it made my friends fear me (more than usual). If she can't seem to take anything positively, is never upbeat, keeps fighting with you and is constantly down in the dumps, then perhaps attempt suggesting that she seeks help. (Gently suggest, from a sizeable distance.)

6) Does She Have Zero Sex Drive?

How ironic that something designed for safe, fun, worry free sex, kills some people's sex drive. Her libido could go from being sky high and always ready to go, to never wanting sex and hating the very idea of it. This is not just unfair for you, it is for her too. Sex is one of life's greatest joys and so, if she's otherwise healthy and fit and was previously something of a sex fan, it's fairly obvious that it's all down to the pill. Help her to sort that shit out now, for both of your sakes...

Sinead Kelly
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Sinead enjoys nothing more than taking short country strolls, watching upper class crime thrillers and planning her next romantic gesture. A true romantic at heart, she spends 364 days of the year counting down until the next February 14th.

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