
Top 17 Spots To Visit When You Interrail

Interrailing is one of the most exciting and fun things that you'll get to do as a young adult, so you'll want to make the most of your trip by heading out to the best places! Here's our comprehensive list of the top places you've got to head out to on your interrail this summer.n

1. Krakow, Poland


The best city to visit in Poland, this is the cultural capital of the eastern country. From here, you can visit Auschwitz or have a tour of the Wawel castle, both memorable experiences. Known best for cheap and delicious food, Poland is perfect for a stop on your interrail.

2. Berlin, Germany



Berlin is a perfect blend of modernity and classic architecture. With recent history still fresh (the Berlin Wall) as well as old school architecture throughout, Berlin is a perfect and vibrant city for your interrail.

3. Salzburg, Austria


One of the best places of modernity clashing with classical ways. Known well for the wintertime and people heading there for sports, Salzburg is great for the countryside putting up against the hustle and bustle of the city.

4. Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina



A great cultural site, Mostar is the capital of the region with killer views to boot. Even though a lot of it has been rebuilt since the civil war in the country in the 1990s, there's still a lot to see, including the amazing Old Bridge spanning the Neretva river.

5. Dubrovnik, Croatia


Possibly one of the most amazing sites is that of the contrast between the red-roofed houses and the clear blue sea that you'll get in Dubrovnik. A great spot if you love history, as the city has both ancient city walls and an old town as well as more modern touches.


6. Lagos, Portugal


The perfect place if you're looking to get away for a bit and relax in the sun, Lagos has a rich history of being both beautiful and cultured, with the city itself originating more than 2,000 years ago. Check out the amazing city walls as well as the beautiful churches while you're here.

7. Ljubljana, Slovenia



With a quarter of the population made up of students, Ljubljana is a young city with an old past. With churches, museums, and an amazing Old Town to check out, you won't run out of things to do here in a hurry.



8. Zadar, Croatia



The Riva is what you'll want to check out first, considering it's the best view you'll get of the waterfront here in Zadar. You'll also want to have a listen out for Nikola Basic's Sea Organ while you're here, since it's one of the coolest art installations you might ever see.

9. Belgrade, Serbia


While the block housing may not catch your attention as beautiful, the city centre in Belgrade will leave you with the real impression that the city is trying to leave on you. There's a lot of history in this small area, so be sure to check it out, as well as head to some of the amazing churches.


10. Kiev, Ukraine


You'll be eating like a king while you're in Kiev, since in the markets you can get dumplings as well as a historical lesson for very, very cheap. You'll also want to head to St. Sofia Cathedral while you're here since its got the best views of the city from it's tower.

11. Tallinn, Estonia



Tallinn is a surprise for the list, if only because they've only recently made themselves a destination to go. Lots of arts and culture festivals take place here, and the city walls are medieval and hold so much history. You can even take a harbour kayak tour, something pretty unique to the area.

12. Rome, Italy


Even though Italy may be notoriously expensive, Rome isn't too bad considering what you'll be seeing. Head to the Colosseum, the Vatican, and make sure to get some great gelato while you're there.


13. Suceava, Romania


If you're a bit of an art history buff, you're going to want to put Suceava on your list. Nearby to the seven painted churches of Northern Moldova, they're a great preservation of classic Byzantine art.

14. Budapest, Hungary



Turkish baths, what a concept, eh? There's something amazing about the city where old meets new, and Budapest is one of the best examples of this. There's so many different art forms preserved within the city that it'll be a bit mind bending to try to classify them all.

15. Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Pretty infamous for its Red Light district, Amsterdam is much more than that (if you're looking for something more). With amazing canals, bike trails, and a quaint looking city, you won't run out of things to do here. Have a browse through the Anne Frank house if you'd like something with a bitta history. .


16. Bern, Switzerland


Bern is the perfect place to take things slow and just enjoy your time. Very compact and relaxed, Bern is easy to see in just a day or two. You'll certainly want to visit the clock tower as well as Einstein's house while you're here.

17. Kotor, Montenegro



With a nice, secluded feeling, Kotor is a costal town that has beaches and relaxation in store for you. St. Tryphon's Cathedral is worth checking out while you're here, since it dates from way back in the 12th century with a killer view of the entire town.

Video: Travelling Advice Interrail | Helen Anderson


Credit: Helen Anderson

Ally Kutz
Article written by
American student interning in Ireland for the semester. Lover of dogs and bad puns.

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