
Dublin Has Been Voted The 5th Worst City In The World For A Very Specific Reason

Dublin Has Been Voted The 5th Worst City In The World For A Very Specific Reason

Dublin is a complicated old place. On the one hand, it has a lively and exciting atmosphere, on the other, the streets are patrolled by squads of vast seagulls who seem to be solely intent on orchestrating the cold-blooded murder of every other living thing in sight.

So far, one pro, one utterly terrifying con; the stakes seem pretty even here. Well, after that the cons seem to rack up pretty fast, especially if you are someone who is moving to Dublin from abroad; at least according to a poll conducted by InterNations.

Their poll of 13,000 people ranked Dublin as the fifth worst place in the world for an emigrant of any country to move to.

The only four cities that received more shunning than Dublin were Riyadh, Jeddah, Lagos, Paris. The main reason that these cats shat all over Dublin was the sheer lack of affordable housing, and the fact that you need to have a fat reservoir of liquid assets to afford to put enough calories into your feeble body to  survive until your next due date for your astronomically high rent.


Now, I'm not one to cast aspersions as to how comprehensive or otherwise the research of this poll by InterNations was, however, I will say that Pyongyang was not lower than Dublin on this list, so I feel it should perhaps be taken with a pinch of salt.

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Rory McNab

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