The absolute disgrace of it all. When we came across this Reddit mashed potatoes thread, we were a mixed bag of completely negative emotions. The article read, 'The 10 Commandments of Perfect Mashed Potatoes,' but it's not the article we're concerned about, it's the comments.
Ken M suggested that mashed potatoes can be made healthier with "no salt" and – wait for it, replacing the potatoes with "mashed bananas". That's right instead of using the wholesome spud - the necessity of a Sunday roast - it should be replaced with a mashed up fruit.

He then has the audacity to admit that he pours "hot gravy on the banana mush" and then stuffs "the turkey with banana peels." What type of disgusting recipe is this? Could you imagine mashed banana Shepherd's Pie? Or how about a mashed banana casserole? It's an absolute disgrace to our beloved spud.
Reddit users were quick to bash this ungodly combo:
Would you even attempt to try this? We feckin' hope not.
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