
14 Ways You Know You're Doing College Exams

Clare Cullen

Studenty brains can get fuddled around exam time with all the procrastinating and Googling, and sometimes it's hard to know if you are doing exams or if you've been up for 48 hours out of choice. Here are 14 sure-fire ways to tell if you or your housemates are doing College Exams.

1. You're reading this post. Anything to avoid studying, Amiright?

2. You have not changed your Dunnes "FatMan" pants in at least two days... if your roommates are lucky.

3. You have beaten your 'all-nighter' record from that time that assignment was due in 36 hours.

4. Coke and Redbull sounds like something you would drink mixed together in some shape or form.


5. You have actually never spent more time on Facebook in your life.

6. Highlighting counts as studying, right?

7. You have eaten spaghetti hoops at some point in the last 72 hours.. and enjoyed them.

8. Diet and exercise? Out the window.

9. You're already feeling guilty for reading this article instead of studying.

10. Speaking of, you spend more time feeling guilty about not studying than actually studying.

11. You know exactly what you need to pass, and have absolutely no intention of getting anything more than that.

12. You have some really original way of studying that 'no-one else does'. There's always one.

13. You're on the phone, telling your classmates how 'fuuuucked' you are in the exam.

14. And finally, when you walk out of that exam hall, no matter how well you did, you'll tell your friends 'I definitely failed'.

Shane Johnston
Article written by
Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover. [email protected]

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